AnaOno Supporting Women in Ukraine
Ukraine is still fighting for their freedom. We keep living our lives in the comfort of our homes while Ukrainians are fleeing theirs.
Let’s do all we can to help them.
I’m so honored to be a part of AnaOno’s fundraising effort for Ukrainian women. This effort shows that no matter where you are in the world, you are Never Alone.
These beautiful underwear 3-packs are designed and made with love in Ukraine by @mememe.underwear . Your purchase helps keep the factory that makes this beautiful underwear in business and supports factory workers and their families. 100% of the net proceeds will be donated to women’s shelters and maternity hospitals in Ukraine. The goal is to raise $50,000 for the women of Ukraine in need!
Visit @anaonointimates to learn more and join the initiative #neveralone #ukraine #anaono#mememeunderwear #breastcancer#domore #giveback#womensupportingwomen#metastaticbreastcancer