Sponsor A Performer

For the No One Can Survive fundraiser concert you can Sponsor a dancer who is coming in from out of town. The past 2 years have been extremely difficult for performers to have steady income due to the pandemic. Also this year my budget for the concert is extremely small because of not being able to hold a live concert last year.

What does it mean to sponsor a performer? The sponsorship is $500 per performer. You will help cover travel costs and any additional things for the performers such as lunch.

As a thank you for your sponsorship you will receive 2 tickets for either the am or pm show, a mention in the program and an autographed poster of all the professional performers.

You can sponsor 1 or all performers Tyler Stewart, Ashley Fitzgerald, Jourdan Epstein, Jordan Lombardi, Maeghan Hobbs, Daria Breslin, Kenzie DuMars and Dana Donofree

Please email me at baldballerina@gmail.com it is first come for sponsorship so if there is a dancer or MC you would like to support email me asap.

#baldballerina #noonecansurvivealone #sponsorship #donation #medicalbills #breastcancer #metastaticbreastcancer

by @enochchanphotography @xmbphotography
