Thanksgiving 2021

This is the 8th Thanksgiving since my diagnosis and I am especially thankful this year. Last month I received devastating news following a PET-CT scan: my cancer had returned very aggressively and my liver, lungs, and bones were covered with so much cancer the radiologist writing the report didn’t count them, simply stating they were “innumerable”. I couldn’t help wondering if future treatments would work.

I also had cancer in a lymph node and a cancerous lump growing on my sternum that was visible. My oncologist ordered a biopsy for the sternum lump and the lymph node. After my 1st Taxol infusion, I could see that the sternum lump was shrinking. My biopsy appointment was 3 weeks away; I told my oncologist that if it kept shrinking, there might not be enough left to biopsy. He said not to worry – there was too much cancer for it to disappear that fast. When I went in for the biopsy a few days ago, the cancer was miraculously gone in the lymph node and the sternum. The cancer in my lungs and liver was also much smaller than in the October scan.

This Thanksgiving, I am thankful to still be alive and to learn my cancer is retreating.
I am thankful for my wonderful oncologist who keeps finding new ways to stop the cancer after it mutates and treatments stop working.
I am thankful for the many caring nurses and techs who have taken care of me.
I am especially thankful for prayers and messages of encouragement and support. They kept me going during a very dark time for me.

Happy Thanksgiving!
#thanksgiving #breastcancer#metastaticbreastcancer #baldballerina
