Scan Day & Results
Sept 22nd 2022-
Today is my PET-CT scan. I will update you on the results when I receive them and know what the plans are. Thank you for your prayers and support. #breastcancer #baldballerina#metastaticbreastcancer #scanday#scanxiety
Sept 26th- Scan results are in: major progression in my liver and bones. This was not a surprise. My tumor markers and liver function bloodwork had been steadily climbing since early August.
My doctor and I are hopeful because I will be starting Enhertu, a new drug that has showed promising results. I start this Friday
Enhertu can have some serious side effects. Please pray that it works for me and that I can tolerate the side effects.#breastcancer #scanresults #metastaticbreastcancer #enhertu #baldballerina