Cherish Every Moment

No one wants to think about dying, even though it is something everyone of us will face one day. Mercifully, most of us don’t know how or when we will die. Those of us with terminal disease are forced to face our mortality knowing that we will not live a normal lifespan and that our terminal disease will most likely be the cause of our deaths.

As a Metastic Breast Cancer patient, I am waiting in Death’s anteroom. While this is very heartbreaking, I choose to spend the moments I have left, living life to its fullest and enjoying each day as it comes. Every minute and every second is cherished and precious because life could change in the blink of an eye.

The late Elijah Cummings was my congressman. Sadly cancer took him from us too soon. He recited this poem in his 1st speech in Congress, it inspires me every day:

I only have a minute
Sixty seconds in it.
Forced upon me, I did not choose it,
But I know that I must use it.
Give account if I abuse it.
Suffer, if I lose it.
Only a tiny little minute,
But eternity is in it.

#cherisheverymoment #death#elijahcummings #terminalbreastcancer#metastaticbreastcancer #gmartist#breastcancer

Photo by Visual Concepts Photography
