Taking Some Control Back
Cancer takes a lot of things away from you. It takes away your health, your power and a big part of who you are before diagnosis. But I still have some power. My new treatment causes hair loss and clumps started to fall out. So I took control and shaved my head. It didn’t want to keep touching my hair or styling it and hair coming out. I didn’t want to shower and see hair in the drain. I didn’t want to wake up to hair all over my pillow and bed. So I took matters into my hands and shaved my head. I love having that control and power to decide when it was time. Time to get those hats and big earrings out again. #chemo #breastcancer#metastaticbreastcancer#takecobtrolofyourlife #headshaving#baldballerina #hairstylist #loss #hairstyle