Our New New Normal -The Pink Agenda social Media Campaign
I am often asked especially during this COVID19 crisis how to help a #cancerpatient.
I have teamed up with @thepinkagenda to share some ways to help
When someone learns they’ve been diagnosed with breast cancer, their life is transformed into a “new normal,” which includes starting treatment, major lifestyle changes, and physical and emotional challenges. We have all been affected by the current global health crisis and recognize that it has had a deep impact on those living with cancer, who have once again had to adjust to a “NEW new normal.” The Pink Agenda has teamed up with @baldballerina to #raiseawareness of these stories, and to highlight ways you can support your loved ones with cancer through this difficult time. #ourNEWnewnormal
@lesliefal is living with metastatic breast cancer and undergoes frequent treatment, and she has developed relationships with her healthcare team and other patients over time. During a recent trip to the cancer center, Leslie’s experience was very different from her usual appointments, and she shared with us how it made her feel. Read below:
“I’m usually pretty social. I enjoy going to my infusions, being able to say hello to the receptionists, the lab techs, giving my infusion nurses hugs. That was not the case last week. I had to answer questions before I entered the building, wear a face mask, and stand six feet away from the check-in desk. No hugs, no “how are you”, or chatting with other patients. Chairs were further apart. Everyone seemed worried. More so than usual. Going through cancer treatment can be so isolating, now more so than ever. I’m happy to comply since I’m a high risk patient. We will get through this.”
The COVID-19 crisis has transformed the lives of breast cancer patients, and The Pink Agenda has teamed up with @baldballerina to share their stories of how they’ve been affected and what is #ourNEWnewnormal. @misskellaaay is undergoing treatment for stage 2 breast cancer after being diagnosed in February, soon before the nationwide shutdown. Cait was adjusting to being generally careful while receiving chemotherapy, but as the virus spread she soon felt unsafe leaving her home. Now, Cait shares with us how difficult it’s been to rely on family and friends for help with basic needs. Read below:
“I am currently in the middle of chemo for breast cancer. As a 33-year-old single woman, I imagined I would have to be careful during this time with regard to shopping, appointments, going out in public, etc.. What I didn’t imagine was that I would essentially be homebound, relying on friends and family to grocery shop, pick up prescriptions, or run any urgent errands. As an independent person, the COVID-19 situation has made me feel more helpless than cancer already had.” @misskellaaay
The COVID-19 crisis has transformed the lives of breast cancer patients, and The Pink Agenda has teamed up with @baldballerina to share their stories of how they’ve been affected and what is #ourNEWnewnormal. @brittneybeadle is living with metastatic breast cancer and is used to being cautious all the time in order to protect her health. However, the COVID-19 crisis has made her nervous to leave the house, even when it’s time to go to her essential treatments. Brittney shares with us what she’s going through, and how her family has had to adjust as well. Read below:
“Being a cancer patient during this pandemic is scary. I was already really cautious about not getting sick due to having a compromised immune system from treatment, but now I have to be even more careful.
The only time I leave my house is to go to my cancer treatments or scans, and even that has me on edge. My mom does all the food shopping and is extra cautious when she goes out because she doesn’t want to expose me to it.” @ Brittney Beadle
The COVID-19 crisis has transformed the lives of breast cancer patients, and over the past few weeks The Pink Agenda teamed up with Bald Ballerina to share their stories and describe what is #ourNEWnewnormal. We’ve shared how difficult it’s been to go to treatment alone, fears about leaving the house with a vulnerable immune system, and the loss of independence that women with breast cancer have experienced since the virus began to spread. Now, we’re sharing their recommendations for ways you can help your loved ones with breast cancer feel supported, and even have a little bit of fun during this difficult time. As Maggie shared with us at the beginning of this series, “the cancer community is still figuring this out, but we are here to support each other.” Swipe to learn more!
#baldballerina #thepinkagenda #tpa #ournewnewnormal #breastcancer#cancer #help #givingback