September Scan with Updates
Today is a Scan Day. I had a progression that showed up this past May. My oncologist wanted to do another scan about 4 months after the scan in May to see what is happening in my body. Please send positive thoughts and prayers my way for a scan that shows little to no more growth in my body. #metastaticbreastcancer patients always live in the unknown and never know what tomorrow is going to be. #baldballerina#breastcancer #terminalbreastcancer #thisismbc #anaono #gaynorartist
Update 1:
I have gotten my scan results but haven’t had a chance to talk through the results with my oncologist just yet. As soon as I do and I understand everything I will share the results with you. Thank you to everyone who has sent a prayers and good thoughts as well as checked in while I was waiting to hear about the results. #baldballerina #metastaticbreastcancer#breastcancer #terminalbreastcancer #neveralone #anaonointimates